Thanks to the passage of the Local Community Radio Act, and the efforts of the Prometheus Radio Project, this October nonprofits and community groups will have a one-time chance to apply for and start community radio stations nationwide. Two years ago, President Obama signed the Local…
On Saturday, April 26 residents of Boyle Heights and surrounding communities will have an opportunity to see, first hand, how cultural arts and community health go hand-in-hand at Hollenbeck Park. Organized by a Building Healthy Communities Boyle Heights, a community collaborative working to improve community health and support local artists…
ACTA is proud to announce that two Master Artists from California, Artemio Posadas and Bounxeung Synanonh, are among the nine recipients of the 2016 National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellowships, the nation’s highest honor in the folk and traditional arts.
On March 28th ACTA and our partners LA Commons, the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles Promise Zone Office and Youth Policy Institute, kicked off the …
On April 17, 2019, ACTA will be offering a special Traditional Arts Roundtable Series event in Los Angeles as part of REMAP: LA Cultural Equity Summit. Organized by ArtChangeUS with support from ACTA and other core partners, the Cultural Equity Summit will gather cultural leaders,…
41 organizations recognized statewide
LGBT house and ball culture
Traditional Chinese music
Founded in 1973, Self Help Graphics & Arts (SHG) is the leading nonprofit visual arts center serving the predominantly  Latino community of Los Angeles.  SHG’s mission is to develp and nuture Latino artists in printmaking.  SHG seeks to advance Latino art broadly through programming, exhibitions, and outreach…
Oaxacan arts and culture