“Without knowing the past, the present cannot be as deep and rich an experience.  For the Cambodian community that is awakening from the trauma of a culture that was almost destroyed, the Living Cultures Grant and ACTA gave the Cambodian community an opportunity to form a living culture of Cambodians…
As we begin 2013 in the West, the Year of the Water Snake (4711) is rapidly approaching. Along with that will be lots of lion dance performances, including many at night or in other low-light conditions. So how do you make sure your lions are ready? By installing lights of…
Editor’s Note: This month, ACTA acknowledges the recent passing of two musical giants of Indian classic music who died within a month of one another. Ravi Shankar and Harihar Rao were friends for over 60 years. The master of sitar is almost synonymous with the words “Indian music.” His protégé Harihar Rao…
Leading scholars, elders and artists from across the Bay Area and nation will gather for a series of thoughtful and challenging conversations that will contextualize the intersection of traditional arts, contemporary performance and California’s changing demographics.  The daylong symposium will feature a discussion embracing the complexities of African dance, practice,…
To say that food is sustaining and life-giving is to state the obvious.  Through multiple Living Cultures Grants, ACTA has encouraged the wisdom of reaching the heart through the stomach by supporting the fine work of Banteay Srei, an Oakland-based group…
In case you couldn’t tell by my lack of new blog entries, I’ve been pretty busy lately with my projects. I did want to make a quick update though to let you know about two great new resources that should have aspiring lion dance artists jumping up and down proclaiming…
We’re excited to announce the call for proposals for ACTA’s 2015 Living Cultures Grants Program (LCGP) and Apprenticeship Program this month. There are several important changes to share. While we’re navigating some challenging terrain with reduced funding, we will be able to…
ACTA would like to congratulate Agustín Lira and Patricia Wells Solorzano for their new Smithsonian Folkways recording Songs of Struggle & Hope by Agustín Lira and Alma. Alma is the group name that includes Patricia Wells Solorzano, Agustín Lira, and long-time partner Ravi Knypstra, with…