Karuk dip net making
Karuk Basketry
Chemehuevi and Kawaiisu basketry
Kumeyaay traditional plant use
Pomo basketry
Reporters Tena Rubio and Rubén Tapia from the national Latino public radio network Radio Bilingüe went inside several California state prisons ACTA serves through our Arts in Corrections program.
The 50th anniversary celebration of Ohlone Park, to be held Saturday, June 1st, will salute citizen activists who founded the park in 1969 and honor the Native California Indians whose heritage, dating back thousands of years in the Bay Area, gave this treasured open space in Berkeley its name.
On October 4, 2018, ACTA had the honor of recognizing one of Native California’s most prolific and beloved artists: Brian D. Tripp (Karuk). Brian is a visual artist, a poet, a ceremonial singer and dancer, a regalia maker, and a pillar in the indigenous community of Humboldt County. He…
Karuk Master Artist Brian D. Tripp Receives California Living Heritage Award
For over a quarter of a century, the California Indian Basketweavers’ Association (CIBA) has worked diligently to increase the number of active California Indian basket weavers and to increase awareness of California basketry and Native California cultural traditions among both Native and non-Native audiences. CIBA was created out…