Son Fandango is a traditional music group from southern Veracruz, Mexico. This group was formed in the Bay Area by Claudio Vega and Lolis García. The son jarocho they perform is a mix of the countryside and the city. Claudio’s main project is to invite renowned traditional son jarocho musicians…
Ziying Zhao, a guqin performer in the United States, is a member of The Global Outstanding Chinese Artists Association and the World Chinese Musicians Association. Praised for her talent, a guqin educator from the Tianjin Conservatory of Music once remarked, “She must have been a guqin artist in her previous…
Rabbi Naomi Steinberg serves Temple Beth El in Eureka, California and B’nai Ha-Aretz in Redway, California. Living Cultures Grant 2023 Documentation of Six Original Tales in the Jewish Mystical Tradition…
I am a featherman (regalia maker). I specialize in dance regalia of the Wintu, Maidu, and associated tribes. I have been active in dance and ceremony for 30 years and have been an active maker for 20 years. I come from the Nomtipom wintu of Northern California. I am of…
Foodways, Tribal ecological knowledge and cultural landscapes, Bahtssal (Eastern Pomo language)
Northern California and Potawatomi regalia
Hmong New Year celebration
Traditional Mexican medicine and birth work