Oloshas United Bay Area
Santeria/Lukumi spiritual practices
Oloshas United Bay Area’s mission is to promote solidarity, tradition, and service to the San Francisco Bay Area’s Orisha community (practitioners of the Santeria/Lukumi religion). Oloshas United Bay Area is made up of Orisha priests, devotees, academics, and interested individuals who work together for the preservation of the Bay Area Orisha community through education and social service.
In 2021, a grant from ACTA’s Living Cultures Grant Program will support the creation of a video archive and website of interviews and discussions among local elders of the Santeria/Lukumi tradition. They will share their knowledge of the etiquette in rituals, food preparation traditions, ritual dress, consecration of places and (where appropriate) provide interpretation and instruction on the meanings of traditional practices. The testimony of these elders will document their history and legacy and preserve their knowledge in a form that will be accessible to future generations.