Black Women's Blues Festival
Afro-Peruvian Music and Dance
African Threadwrapping
Ewe Akpoka Drumming
African American Quilting
Black Culture and Arts
Over-articulated and barely translated, Gbedu Town Radio tells dynamic stories for the culture. Led by Artistic Director, Nkeiruka Oruche, and featuring a dynamic group of performers, GTR explores social and political themes through Pan Afro-Urban music and dance including Afrobeats, Dancehall, Coupé-Décalé & varieties of Hip hop. Gbedu Town Radio…
Joti Singh, Co-Artistic Director and Founder of Duniya Dance and Drum Company, is a dance creator and innovator, sprung from the U.S. American south to parents from northern India. She is the Co- Artistic Director of Duniya Dance and Drum Company. Joti began her dance training in Punjabi circles, carrying…
Tuning in with The Dynamic Miss Faye Carol
Appreciating Dr. “Papa” Zakarya Diouf