California Traditional Artist Plaza

Youngmin Lee

Traditional Korean textiles; bojagi
Region: Bay Area, National, Northern California, Statewide
Offerings: Classes Group instruction Handmade crafts and visual arts for sale Lectures / Lecture-demonstrations Private instruction Workshops
Service Location: In-person services Online/remote services
California Traditional Artist Plaza

Gbedu Town Radio

Region: Bay Area
Offerings: Classes Performances Private instruction Production Workshops
Service Location: In-person services Online/remote services
A new educational resource from ACTA
Native Hawaiian arts and culture
Somali/Somali-American arts and culture
Nonprofit arts organization and gallery
Filipino/Filipino-American Arts and Culture
Karuk Women's Ceremonial Dress Making
Ohlone Foodways, Table Ceremony
Una serie de preguntas y respuestas con las artistas becarias de ACTA Luz Marlene Cordero y Dalila Mendez