Mentor artist Kati Hernandez (top) with apprentice, Cecelia Slongo (bottom) Photo by Shana Christopher

Katiuska Hernandez photo by Jayson Fann

Kati Hernandez

Afro-Cuban Orisha Dance

Katiuska Hernandez photo by Jayson Fann

Kati Hernandez of Los Angeles was born and raised in Cuba and lived throughout different island cities, exposing Katiuska to different regional aspects and traditional practices of Afro-Cuban folklore where she learned from her elders, immediate family, and mentors within her community from the age of five. Katiuska seeks to preserve Afro-Cuban traditions through dance and embodiment of the orishas so students may learn the characteristics and symbolism of each so aspects of an Orisha can be applied to empower and heal in and outside of her classes. Kati’s work extends beyond performance and into the realm of education and advocacy as her innovative approach to teaching, combined with her deep understanding of Afro-Cuban traditions guides her work.

Apprenticeship Program 2024

Kati Lebental & Cecelia Slongo Photo by Shana Christopher

Afro-Cuban dance with apprentice Cecilia Slongo

Kati Hernandez will mentor Cecilia Slongo in the dances of the Orishas in the Afro-Cuban tradition, with a particular emphasis on the Orishas Oshun, Oya, and Yemanja. The study will encompass their dances, aesthetics, musical elements, traditions, history, and legends from an Afro-Cuban cultural perspective, drawing from their oral traditions and cosmology. Leading to improved dance skills, heightened cultural awareness, and a deeper comprehension of how Yoruba heritage evolved on the culturally diverse island of Cuba.




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