Adelina engaging and educating families, most wearing their traditional huipil. Photo courtesy of the organization.

Elder Triqui teacher Gloria making a hand-made altar while wearing her huipil. Photo courtesy of the organization.
Triqui teacher Adelina sits in the middle of a group shot with other Triqui community members, most wearing their huipil. Photo courtesy of the organization.
Celebration Nation is a nonprofit organization that serves, informs and uplifts the Indigenous/Latino community through nutrition, education and resources. The organization has provided essential support including over 16,000 pesticide and smoke-resistant masks to farm workers, distributed 20,000 backpacks filled with school supplies, offered 6,000 blankets, and delivered 48,000 boxes of food to farm worker families. Grounded in values of integrity, empowerment, community, responsibility, care, and leadership, Celebration Nation works to address inequalities in underserved communities nationwide. Through education, advocacy, and resource allocation, they aim to create positive change and a brighter future for all.
Cultura Triqui
Funding will support a cultural program focused on teaching community members how to sew traditional Triqui clothing and textile crafts and empower individuals to connect with their cultural roots, preserve the Triqui heritage, and provide economic opportunities within the Triqui community.
Every gift is a commitment to a culture bearer, and the people of California.