Brazilian pandeiro
Vietnamese dan tranh
Cambodian classical dance
I have one last post for the ACTA blog. I have continued to weave since the Master-Apprentice program with ACTA. A few weeks ago I collected willow and began my third basket. (Please see the photo of the willow and new start.) I will make another large burden or cone…
Beginning this month, Amy Kitchener, executive director of the Alliance for California Traditional Arts (ACTA), joins the Grantmakers in the Arts board of directors.  Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) is the only national network of private, public, and corporate arts funders.  GIA provides leadership and…
Editor’s note: Beyond the Borders: Bosnian Sevdah & Dance was held on November 9, 2014, at the Croatian American Cultural Center.  It was attended by young and old, with families sitting at large round tables enjoying traditional foods and drink.  They spent the afternoon visiting with…
So many impressions flood my mind as I wind my way in a rental car through downtown San Diego en route to visit the Karen community.  I am here for a site visit to learn more about these new Americans.  The Karen (pronounced kah-ren) are one of Burma’s many ethnic…
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts wishes the California Arts Council a very happy anniversary, as it kicks off its 40th year celebration.  ACTA is proud to be the CAC’s official statewide partner in serving the folk & traditional arts field, and looks forward to another 40 years of making…