January 18, 2013

Dear Friends of ACTA:

Si se pudo! ~ Yes we did it! Thanks to the more than eighty friends who contributed to our Apprenticeship Program Campaign we surpassed our $6,000 goal and raised $6,220! The generosity of all these individuals allowed us to support in 2013 an additional two pairs of Master Artists and Apprentices. To learn more about these talented artists and their art forms, please read our recent press release.

Below are some reflections shared by some of the donors along with the names of the individuals who contributed to the campaign who decided to be publicly recognized.

Thank you to those who have contributed to the
2013 Apprenticeship Program Campaign!


I wish I could do more right now; but I hope this small amount helps in some way, and more than anything, it is meant to be an acknowledgement of just how important I feel the work of ACTA is.  Thank you, and a very happy holidays to all of you at ACTA!
     Farah Yasmeen Shaikh


I am very happy to help ACTA in my small way and to thank ACTA for your great work in the traditional arts in California.  All the best for a wonderful new year.
     Donna Ebata
     Kodo Arts Sphere America


It’s just a small change only I wish I could do better, hopefully thing are getting better in the future.  We will never forget about ACTA.  And I also would like to take this opportunity to thank you for awarding me and my daughter Gorlia Xiong the Apprenticeship in 2011.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.
     Best regards,
     Wang L. Xiong


On behalf of Merced Lao Family Community and our community here in Merced, I would like to present our donation to ACTA’s Apprenticeship Program.  This donation was a result of contributions from parents of youth of our cultural group and staff members… We wholeheartedly support the wonderful work ACTA does in keeping traidtional arts alive.
     Houa Vang


Thank you to Alicia Najera, Alleluia Panis, Allyson Allen, Amy Kitchener, Amy Lawrence, Ashwin Rode, Barbara and John Chookasian, Celine Schein, Charlie Seemann, Christina Tuccillo, Christopher Low, Deborah Wong, Debra Kajiyama, Diane and Joe Lopez, Donna Ebata, Dorothy Wright, Edward Kissam, Ellen Braff-Guajardo, Emmett Castro, Epifania L. Najera, Farah Shaikh, Flavio Alvarez, Gaylerd Thissell, Geraldine and Richard Hagopian, Heather Stevenot, Holly Calica, Hula On Productions, Jane Kahn, Jerry Yoshitomi, JM Rodriguez, Juan Diaz, Judy Gonzalez, July McIntosh, Kathleen Knopoff, Kenya Curry, Lanie Quan, Laura Grant, Libby Maynard, Lily Kharrazi, Lupe Gonzalez, Linda Yamane, M. Ortega, Malathi Iyengar, Maria Celebrado, Marina Drummer, Merced Lao Family Community, Nayamin Martinez, Ofelia Esparza, Olga Najera-Ramirez and Ronaldo Ramirez, PJ Hirabayashi, Patricia Montgomery, Patricia Wells, Patrick Makuakane, Patti Brown, Pimm and Alme Allen, Prudy Kohler, Quetzal Flores, Rachel Cooper, Ramya Harishankar, Reyna Juarez, Richard Rodriguez, Ron Ung, Rose and Armen Hagopian, Russell Rodriguez, Sally Lew, Shreelata Suresh, Socorro Sarmiento, Sojin Kim, Susan Schleifer and Mark DeWitt, Tamara Vides, Trang Troung, Van Anh Thi Vo, Vicky Trevino, Wang Xiong, & Anonymous Donors!