Hernandez Mariachi Heritage Society

Mexican mariachi

Since 1998 and under the directon of Jóse Hernàndez, the Hernandez Mariachi Heritage Society has provided quality instruction in violin, guitar, trumpet, vihuela, guitarrón, voice, and ballet folklorico.  In addition to providing free of low-cost instruction to students ages 7 to 18, the Hernandez Mariachi Heritage Society works to increase performance and teaching opportunities for professional mariachi musicians and to create cultural enriching experiences for their audiences through out Los Angeles County.

In 2011, grant funds from ACTA’s Living Cultures Grants Program provided for beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction in mariachi music to 60 elementary students in an after-school program in Central Los Angeles, which is 98% Latino.  Support for three master teachers and an aide provided ongoing lessons in violin, vihuela, guitar, guitarrón, trumpet, and voice.


Board members of the Hernandez Mariachi engage in the discussion.