Gorlia Xiong (center) and her 2022 apprentice, Summer Lee (left), with their group Nkauj Ci Iab at Long Beach Hmong New Years, 2019. Photo: Courtesy of Gorlia Xiong.

Gorlia Xiong

Hmong Dance

Hmong Dance
Gorlia Xiong performing for Long Beach Hmong New Years. Photo: Mai Nhia Douglass.

Gorlia Xiong started learning Hmong dancing at the age of five, from instructors of the Qeej Not Gangs Cultural Arts Program (QNG), an initiative by the Hmong Association of Long Beach, Inc. Through QNG, she practiced many different styles of the art form which have evolved over time. In 2008, Xiong became the program’s dance instructor; she is currently the director. For Xiong, Hmong dancing has played an integral part in her life, helping her understand her language and cultural traditions through music and performance. Through it, she has built confidence and become a key figure for the Hmong community in Long Beach.



Gorlia Xiong and her 2022 apprentice, Summer Lee, with Nkauj Ci Iab for Sacramento Hmong New Year, 2019.

Apprenticeship Program

Summer Lee performing at Long Beach Hmong New Years, 2019. Photo: Mai Nhia Douglass.

Hmong Dance
with apprentice Summer Lee

During this apprenticeship, Xiong will guide Summer Lee, the current dance instructor for QNG, in creating an atmosphere for their students to express and utilize their emotions through a combination of Hmong and body sign language. They will also develop a QNG curriculum for all ages, consisting of techniques for different skill levels, while enhancing the quality and outcome of their performances via strong foundations for creativity, support, and professionalism.




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