Chinatown Community Cultural Center rear wall with East Wind lion dance name in Chinese characters. Photo taken by our Curator, Tony Luu.

East Wind Foundation for Youth – Lion Dance

Chinese lion dance and kung-fu

About the Organization

Chinese New Year celebrations at the Historical Formosa Restaurant in West Hollywood. Photo taken by our Curator, Tony Luu.

East Wing Foundation for Youth, are committed to empowering the inner city youths of Southern California with opportunities to engage in the cultural heritage of lion dancing and martial arts, academic achievement, athletic enhancement, and community involvement.





Living Cultures

November 9th, 2024, Golden Dragon Championship Tournament preparation and motivation speech from Instructor Wayne Li.

Educating visitors Chinese culture and history in Chinatown

Funding will allow us to have a curator at our cultural center for a greater number of hours to showcase cultural art. It will also help us maintain our traditional kung-fu weapons and lion heads and support with documentation.


To learn more about East Wind Foundation for Youth by visiting their home page!

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Every gift is a commitment to a culture bearer, and the people of California.