On November 3rd, I visited Carol again, for our last official apprenticeship session together. Carol had been weaving up a storm and had recently finished her first complete row of feather work. She was really proud of her progress and was looking forward to showing it off. She did an excellent job! It’s fantastic to see the improvement in her weaving. You may not be able to see it in the photo here, but the stitches in her most recent rows are looking very refined and even! And I know she will continue to grow in her skills, because the old saying that “practice makes perfect” has a lot of truth to it. We also discussed her plan for how she will decorate the rest of her basket. Though our apprenticeship has officially come to an end, I’m still here for questions and guidance whenever I’m needed. We’ll also continue to gather sedge together from time to time. She has been very dedicated and looks forward to finishing this basket so she can make others. Congratulations, Carol!