July 14, 2014

ACTA's Roundtable Series flyer

There is tremendous vitality in the making and maintaining of our cultural arts.  Many communities are creating culturally relevant art which operates largely under the radar of funders or mainstream recognition.  How do these networks support themselves to create and promote creative and life-affirming art?  What are the values?  What is the drive and inspiration?  Can we learn and support one another?  Are we a larger network in the making?  ACTA invites you — the artists and the community orgnizers — to join us on Thursday, July 17, to meet one another, share art, and discuss how we can best learn from one another and think about the future.

Presentations by: Cesar Castro, Adama Jewel Jackson, Johnny Mori, Nobuko Miyamoto, Joel Jacinto, Karen Mack, and Joel Garcia

July 17, 2014
6-9 PM

Japanese American Community Cultural Center
244 S. San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

RSVP: Quetzal Flores, [email protected] or (626) 429-4261